Training for the preparation of Biofach is executed successfully
The Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO) in Peru, operated by Swisscontact, has successfully implemented the training process for the Biofach fair to be held in Nuremberg Germany with the participation of 3 BSOs: ADEX, PROMPERU and Sierra and Selva Exportadora.

With the direction of the international consultant Irene Haddad, a kick-off session was held to achieve synergies among the participating BSOs, establishing the program's intervention strategy at the fair. Subsequently, PROMPERU in its organization meeting of the Peruvian pavilion and with support of the SIPPO expert, pointed out the cooperation intervention under the capacity development mandate of the program. In a session for the participating BSOs, the training was implemented on how to carry out matchmaking and search for buyers, with the participation of the Hamburg Commercial Office of Peru (OCEX Hamburg).
After these trainings, a pre-fair was organized with the 3 BSOs, reaching 50 participants, where the importance of capacity development as the core of the intervention of the SIPPO program was highlighted, to achieve the sustainability of the interventions in the long term. The ADEX team presented the results of the market study carried out with SIPPO in the last edition of Biofach held prior to the pandemic, while the PROMPERU team presented 2 key issues within the institution: Post-fair promotion and monitoring. Finally, Sierra y Selva Exportadora gave their perspective on the commercial importance of Biofach. All these presentations complemented the capacity development training of the international consultant.
SIPPO is organizing, through the consultant, a proposal for an outbound visit plan that will help BSOs to learn about the latest market trends, and the day before the fair, visits to retail stores in Nuremberg are in progress to be organized in order to collect information from the points of sale. The purpose of this is to update the market study of the Center for Economic Studies of ADEX (CIEN) whose results will be presented in post-fair activities to companies. It is important to note that the SIPPO Peru team has previously collected market information from the retail stores in Zurich, Switzerland, which will enrich the available market information so that ADEX can strengthen its study of market trends. In this process, the market research departments of the other 2 BSOs, PROMPERU and Sierra and Selva Exportadora, are in the process of carrying out a technical review to strengthen the search for information in Nuremberg, contributing to the synergy of the three organizations and the exchange of knowledge.
Finally, at the fair, SIPPO is contributing to the organization of institutional strengthening activities, analysis of competitors, visits, and generation of commercial contacts in joint events with other international cooperation partners in which the three BSOs will participate.
At the end of the process, a Post-Fair Evaluation will be carried out with the participating companies of the Peruvian pavilion and the 3 BSOs to identify points for improvement, learning and results of participation in the fair. These results will contribute to the measurement of the impact of the BSOs, achieving effectiveness in the development of capacities of the SIPPO program in Peru. The program acknowledges the work of the PROMPERU team led by its team of professionals led by Elmer Lava, Marco Vilchez, Franck Pucutay and Diana Maraví, the Hamburg OCEX, Gycs Gordon and Jennifer Schwarten, the ADEX team made up of Susana Yturry, Rocio Valdiviezo and Mateo Jorge and on behalf of Sierra and Selva Exportadora, Monica Davila, Jose Barturén and Maria Wong.
SIPPO Peru is in permanent contact with the BSOs for a good performance of the event.