The Trade Promotion Academy is extended by a new module on tourism
Last year in October SIPPO launched the Trade Promotion Academy (TPA). Over 400 people have registered so far, and over 130 certificates have been issued. Now the TPA is getting a new module, the “Destination Promotion Toolbox for Tourism BSOs”, and we are also offering several modules in French and Spanish: These are two new and exciting chapters in the TPA success story!

The TPA is an exciting e-learning platform that allows the continuous acquisition and improvement of core export promotion, market access knowledge and institutional development. It also helps to consolidate existing knowledge through the exchange with peers. Through the TPA Business Support Organizations (BSOs) will better understand and have easier access to the good practices and to tools which they can use within their market intelligence services and in their advisory activities to their customers.
We added a brand-new sixth module
When TPA was first released last year, it provided four modules on key topics of trade promotion: Market Analysis, Orientation Missions, Trade Fairs and Commercial Missions; and to respond to the COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, a fifth module on Virtual Matchmaking was developed right after the launch. Now we have added a brand-new sixth module on “Destination Promotion Toolbox for Tourism BSOs”, developed by a working group from several trade promotion programs under the lead of IPD.
This fantastic toolbox is a practical collection for tourism BSOs that want to promote their destination to the right target market in a well-structured, effective, and efficient way. The toolbox assists national level BSOs to choose the best destination promotion activities, adapted to the BSOs specific needs and possibilities, to strengthen destination competitiveness and sustainability. The toolbox focuses on six of the main destination promotion activities, namely trade fairs, roadshows, familiarisation trips, OFF and ONLINE campaigns and media. It also puts much emphasis on two key transversal themes, i.e., sustainability and COVID-19. The information provided in the six promotional activities will help national level BSOs to make the right decisions.
New dimensions language-wise
Thanks to the request from the SIPPO offices in Latin America and Northern Africa several TPA modules have been translated into French and Spanish! This will significantly increase the reach and usability of TPA, and it will improve the learning experience of BSOs in French and Spanish speaking countries. This achievement was only possible thanks to the courageous help of SIPPO Tunisia, Morocco, Colombia, and Peru. Many thanks! Based on needs of other partner countries and topics of interest, further modules will be translated to other languages in the future.
If you haven’t done so far, join the TPA now!