APIA, SIPPO & IPD open opportunities for the Tunisian local Natural Ingredient sector

At the Biofach, APIA took the opportunity to enhance local offer promotion with premium products from the Tunisian Organic Food Market. This is one of the key components of APIA’s work: Developing the Natural Ingredient sector as organic, building a sector export promotion strategy, enhancing the understanding of the global markets and strengthening the network with international actors. By doing so, APIA can live up to its role to promote Tunisian local products and to provide better services to exporters.
Collaboration of TRIC partners SIPPO und IPD
For this challenging task SIPPO and IPD joined forces to meet the goals of their partner APIA at BIOFACH 2023. It was APIA’s second presentation after the first successful intervention at BIOFACH 2022.
SIPPO and IPD programs are working with two complementary mandates. This allows them to reach both the BSO’s and the exporters’ expectations. In Tunisia, SIPPO and IPD work actively on the valuation of natural ingredients within the organic sector by strengthening the position of their common partner APIA as a leader of organic sector export promotion, by guiding APIA and company members to succeed in their trade fair participation and to build their network and their own database.
Many achievements and outcomes were accomplished relating to the Tunisian participation at Biofach 2023 through the effort consolidation and the intervention harmonization between SIPPO and IPD, specifically the reinforcement of APIA's position within the local ecosystem, the national orientation to build an organic sector export promotion strategy by gathering efforts between APIA and the Ministry of Agriculture, the international networking with buyers, with SIPPO's global contacts such us the BSOs in non-SIPPO-countries, and the creation of a trusting relationship and open data exchange between APIA and its members in order to facilitate the activity monitoring for the partner BSO.
Appreciation of SIPPO’s work by a Swiss Delegation
At Biofach23, several representatives of Swiss organisations visited the Tunisian pavilion, and the visit took much more time than expected: M. Silvan Hungerbühler, Programme Manager at SECO, Mr. Martin Peter, Deputy Manager of the Trade Promotion Department at SECO, Mr. Alejandro Espinoza, Representative of IFOAM-Organics International- and Head of OT4D programme, Ms. Andrea Bischof, Representative of Helvetas and Export Manager of the OT4D programme, Mr. Tobias Eisenring, Representative of FiBl and OT4D Programme Manager. SIPPO and the Tunisian delegation were honored by the presence of Samia Maamer, General Director of the Organic Department at the Ministry of Agriculture. From APIA, Jamal Farhad, Secretary general of APIA and Mouna Chalghoum, Chief of section-trade fairs department-APIA were participating at the meeting as well.