SIPPO supports the first market mission and product adaptation of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce at In-Cosmetics 2023 Barcelona
SIPPO supported the participation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and its businessmen in In-Cosmetics Global, the world's largest event for personal care ingredients, where all areas of the cosmetics industry connect to share knowledge and generate potential collaborations; the fair took place from March 28 to 30, 2023 in Barcelona – Spain and was attended by more than 800 exhibitors from 45 countries.

In this version, SIPPO Colombia supported the participation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB) and 6 companies selected for the mission: Carboquímica; Inverbeauty; Green Andean; Neyber; Phitother and Biofos Biotechnology Laboratories, in order to reach the export potential of Colombia, based on a great biodiversity with more than 45,000 species of plants, 1,500 of which are endemic species and foster the growing pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry based on natural ingredients both as a primary input, or source, as an ingredient for use, or intermediate.
Acai, cacai, sacha inchi, coffee, guava, avocado, achiote, camu-camu, were some of the ingredients presented to international buyers looking for innovative, natural, ancestral and sustainable products, as well as reliable suppliers.
In the development of the mission, a Study Tour was developed which included visits to the global headquarters of the companies: Scentmate by Firmenich; Puig - Airparfum and Quadpack Group, together with the Beauty Cluster, the largest Spanish cosmetics, perfumery and personal care cluster with more than 330 companies and 3,000 professionals from the entire value chain. Likewise, a meeting was held with the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, where alliances for the growth of the sector were identified.
In addition, looking for strengthening ties, sharing experiences and good practices and generating possible synergies between the most important actors in the personal care sector of the countries supported by the SIPPO program, meetings were held between the BSOs of Tunisia (CEPEX), South Africa (DTIC), Peru (PROMPERÚ) and Colombia (CCB), present at the fair.
On the other hand, during the preparation stage of the fair, the SIPPO consultant Andrew Jones, supported the selection process of the companies, as well as the development of a joint capacity building workshop, for the successful participation of the CCB and their entrepreneurs.
Within this workshop, topics such as trends and regulation of the European market, the importance of sustainability for the industry, the structure of In-Cosmetics fair (exhibitors, events, activities, etc.), how to find buyers, yje best way to approach to exhibitors at the fair, how to structure the commercial pitch to improve communication with potential customers, among others.
Before, during and after the fair, SIPPO provided an accompaniment to review the progress and achievements obtained from this commercial mission, both by the CCB and its businessmen. In this sense, the structuring of the commercial agendas was accompanied and information was generated regarding the market trends of the cosmetics industry worldwide, which were presented in the academic agenda of the fair and that are of special interest for the development of the industry in Colombia.
The support for this mission complements the internationalization route worked with the Swiss cooperation, embodied in the study: -from-the-value-chain-of-natural-ingredients/
where we have set ourselves the goal of reaching exports of USD 30 million USD by 2030, with 29 natural ingredients for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food use, thus promoting the bioeconomy sector in the second most biodiverse country in the world.